SYSTEM 700 - Under Tile Waterproofing and Anti Fracture Membrane.
Designed to waterproof surfaces which will have tile, brick, slate, pavers or other similar finished surfaces installed directly over the substrate. AVM 700 may also be used to waterproof shower pans, counter-tops, or other areas in continuously wet enviroments. AVM System 700 is certified to meet ANSI A118.10 Specifications. (ICBO), Ceramic Tile Institute of America and the Tile Counsel of America use these specifications)
(Water-based Acrylic) ICC ESR-2662, L.A. RR# 25431 (Building Dept.) & LA. RR# M-050065 Plumbing/Mechanical Dept.) Exceeds ANSI A118.10 Standards.
AVM System 750 - AVM Yellow
Under Tile Waterproofing andAnti Fracture Membrane.
System 750 is a non-breathable and non reinforced (Very flexible) waterproofing membrane. It's designed to waterproof surfaces which will have tile, brick, slate, pavers or other similar finished surfaces installed directly over the membrane. It's ideally suited to waterproof shower pans, bathrooms, kitchens, ponds and other areas in continuously wet environments. It may also be used to waterproof out-door applications such as Balconies, Roof Decks, etc.
(Water-Based Liquid Rubber) IAPMO/ICC ESR-0131, IAPMO File #5003). Exceeds ANSI118.10 Standards.